
Lightr is a platform for venues to create and manage branded mobile applications and event-specific networks.

I worked with them to define the Lightr platform, and led the design for conceptual products including a consumer phone app and a tablet-based monitoring and content-creation app.

The Lightr team was also in need of interactive presentation materials. I worked with them to create demo iPhone and iPad applications, and a website that allows users to view and interact with a limited simulation of the iPhone and iPad apps.

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+ Lightr

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+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

+ Lightr

Lightr Platform

Live Prototype

The webpage linked below depicts three prototypes showcasing the capability of the Lightr platform, which the sceenshots above are from.

View Prototype